Friday, March 3, 2017

Read this if you have a Chromebook.

my chromebook is faster than your $10000 pc

So when I develop, I use an application called Code::Blocks which is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Windows, OS X, or Linux based machines. But not everyone reading this blog are using a Windows, OS X, or Linux machine. They might be using Chromebooks, iPhones, Android devices, etc. If that's the case for you, then you're in luck. There is a website called Remote Interview that has an online C++ IDE. It works almost as well as Code::Blocks.

So to set it up, click on the option that says "NEW PAD", as shown below:

Next, click on the area that says "C#" and change it to "C++".

Next, click on the button next to autocomplete and click it once.

Now, you should have a working online development suite. And even better, you have access to multiple languages like C#, Java, Python, etc.

That;s all I have for now.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Getting good at: C++ | #10 - enumerated constants, integers and more typedef

10 - typedef int our; our number = 1;

     Hows it goin bros, coat hanger here. Today, we're going to use typedef. As I said in the last post, typedef is used to substitute keywords in integers. "How is this useful?", you ask. To show you why, I will have to go over another integer type, the unsigned integer.

     Now, an unsigned integer is basically a whole number integer, meaning it cannot store a negative value. Along with that, there is the long integer and the short integer. A long integer can store values from -2 billion to 2 billion, and a short integer can store values from -32768 to 32767. All of the possible integer types can be found here. Now, if you were writing a program that uses a lot of unsigned long integers, you would probably get tired of writing unsigned long number = 32000;, and that's where ya boi typedef comes in. So instead of typing unsigned long number 32000;, you can just type something like ulo number 32000;

     Last post, I talked about constants, read-only variables. Now, I'm going to talk about enumerated constants. This is basically a way to store multiple constants on one line. To declare it, you have to write something like this: enum name { N=1, A=3, M=5, E=8 };. If you don't set the variables to anything, then the beginning variable is set to zero, and the variable to the right of it is the left + 1.

That's all I have for this post.