Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Getting good at: C++ | #5 - Strings

Stuff you don't care about

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5 - Bad Password Program

So today, we're going to be writing a program that takes advantage of strings. In case you don't know what a string is, it's basically an object, and with all objects comes classes. This particular object comes from the class <string>. How you would implement this class is by typing #include <string>. In fact, that's how you implement most classes, but more on that later. For now, let's write a terrible password program. To start, create your string, and set it to what you want. For example:

     string harambe;


Then use cin >> to allow the user to input the string, so in this case, 'harambe':

     string harambe;
     cin >> harambe;


Then, let's output some text; in this case, "personal information":

     string harambe;
     cin >> harambe;
     cout << "sub to control alt defeat" << endl;
     return 0;

After you compile it, you should see something like this:

Note that the top (harambe) is our input, and the bottom (f) is our output. Keep in mind this is a terrible password program, because you can type whatever you want and you'll get the exact same result, as shown here:

In case you're wondering, I used \n to space the input and output so it would be easier to explain.

I'll show you how to change that in the next post. Until then...

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