Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Personal Post #1

The Title

Yes, I know. It's the most unoriginal and boring title you've ever seen. No, I'm not gonna change it. At least not for a while. The title follows a general theme that's unrelated to the C++ series, and that's why it works. Okay? Cool, thanks.

The Post

Just got to address something, I haven't posted a third post about the programming series. I'm actually almost done, so I'll most likely post it after this post goes live. One of the reasons I haven't finished it yet is because, get this, I was literally drawing a bunch of Steven Universe fanart over the weekend. I kid you not. Aside from that, my power supply on my main PC died. Probably because either the motherboard drew too much power, or my PSU didn't supply enough power to the motherboard. Or my PSU just sucks. Speaking of my main PC, I really need to get a new GPU and PSU. I'm going to get the GTX 1060 and an EVGA 400/430w PSU (Non-Modular), but I bet none of you really care so...

Nothing too important is going on, really. When I get my main PC fixed up, I'll be uploading a LOT more content. So that's about it. until next time...

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