Thursday, September 22, 2016

Getting good at: C++ | #6 - If-Else Statements

6 - wake me up inside

How's it going everyone? No Chin here, and today we're going to talk about If-Else statements. Basically, an If-Else statement is a lot like a real world If Else statement. Something like: If something is true, then do something. Otherwise, don't do anything.

Unlike the other objects we used, the If statement uses its own set of curly-braces and parameters. Here's an example:

int main()
     int x;
     cin >> x;
          cout << "WHy" << endl;
     return 0;

The parameters have to be set to something with the If statement, so in this case, we told the If statement that x has to be equal to 1 in order for it to output something, and if x is not equal to 1, it can't output anything. However, we can still get it to output something even if x is not equal to 1, and that's where the Else statement comes in. Unlike the If statement, the Else statement doesn't require its own parameters. It's basically just a continuation of the If statement. For example:

int main()
     int x;
     cin >> x;
          cout << "topkek" << endl;
          cout << "get off my computer" << endl;
     return 0;

Note that the "==" is intentional. One equal sign sets a variable, and two means that something is equal to another thing.

Now let's go back to our password program. Last time, we excluded the if-else statement, so the string could be set to anything and it would output the same result. Let's try it with the If-Else Statement:

int main()
     string harambe;
     cin >> harambe;
     if (harambe=="harambe")
          cout << "f" << endl;
          cout << "get off my computer" << endl;
     return 0;

You should see something like this if you got the password right (Top is password, bottom is output):

And something like this if you got the password wrong:

Keep in mind, this is a very basic password program so it has no method of keeping your personal documents safe.

That's all I have for now. Until then...

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